Student Led Learning Resources
Student led learning isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a game-changing technique that lets students steer their own learning journey.
Marty’s student-led learning materials are designed to engage learners of all ages and abilities across the curriculum. These resources offer a variety of interactive lessons and activities that cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring every student can thrive. Click the above buttons to access FREE coding activity cards.
In any classroom, you’ll find a group of students with a multitude of interests, learning styles, talents, and strengths. Creating a curriculum that engages each student is one of the biggest challenges a teacher can face. Leaning into student-led learning can be a vital opportunity to encourage students to be self-directed in their learning, freeing up valuable teacher time to help individual students and oversee the class’s long-term goals.
At its core, student-led learning prioritises students’ ability to learn independently and is an inclusive approach to education. It respects every student’s learning needs and interests. Independent learners can thrive with light supervision, while students who need more help benefit from a teacher who has more time to provide individual attention.
Benefits to Students
Student Independence
Another effective way to embrace student-led learning is by offering students choices whenever possible. Even small amounts of agency can lift the classroom atmosphere and increase students’ enthusiasm for learning. This can be achieved by letting them learn the same material in various ways that suit their own learning styles.
Problem Solving
One of the greatest strengths of student-led learning is its ability to empower students to develop their problem-solving and analytical skills. With more freedom and control over their projects, students become more engaged and invested in their learning. This increased investment often leads them to delve deeper into their work and stay motivated to overcome any challenges or setbacks they encounter.
Reflection is crucial to the learning process, particularly in student-led learning where each student may produce something unique. This diversity in results provides an exciting opportunity for students to learn from one another. By incorporating reflection into teaching, deep learning, self-discipline, and self-awareness are all promoted.
Ultimately, the magic of student-led learning lies in its ability to empower both teachers and students alike. Through autonomy, critical thinking, and creativity, learners shape their own knowledge, while educators act as guides on this transformative journey.